285 lbs down to 202 lbs as of February 2024

My Journey through Weight Loss and Life

Welcome to my page! I have struggled with my weight since puberty. In 2018 I decided to have gastric sleeve surgery. I lost about 65 pounds in 6 months. I started noticing intense craving for sugar. Unfortunately I started binge eating sweets all day and not eating enough protein. I know that I was developing a binge eating problem. Slowly that weight started to come back. I was devastated but didn't know how to fix my problem.

In 2023 I heard about GLP 1 medications through social media. I knew the medication was safe but I also have a heart condition from my pregnancy with my daughter called Postpartum Cardiomyopathy. So I asked my cardiologist and he said it was a good idea. I then went to my primary doctor. I had blood work done to check my thyroid and my A1c. Despite having had gestational diabetes with my pregnancy in 2014 and binge eating sugary foods , my A1c was normal. However since I had co morbidlties , my insurance company approved my medication. In Januuy of 2023 I began follow a diet program and lost 18 pounds. And on February 7 2023 , I took my first shot of Wegovy. Almost immediately I noticed a change in my thinking of food. I no longer obsessed over food. The so called " food noise" was gone. 


I have lost another 69 pounds since starting Wegovy. In July , I decided to leave my job after 17 years. I worried being home all day would cause me to gain weight but it did not. 

I am very proud of my progress but still have long journey ahead of me. Please follow along with me as I work towards my goal! You can find me on Instagram or TikTok @johanna_p35.