Thank you for stopping by! My name is Johanna and I have been on a journey to weight loss since my teens. My heaviest weight was 317 two days before I gave birth to my daughter. A year later I was at my lowest weight of 170 thanks to Weight Watchers. However I gained much of the weight back that I lost.

In 2018 I had Gastric Sleeve Surgery. I lost 65 pounds in the first six months. However soon after I noticed my eating habits changing. I craved sweets night and day. I was binge eating sugary snacks. I could eat much more of those than healthy food. 

Feeling defeated , I did not know where to turn. In January of 2023 I began Weight Watchers. At around the same time I started to hear about GLP1 medications being used for weight loss. I made an appointment with my doctor and continued on WW. 

I was doing well on WW but I thought adding a GLP1 medication could help. And in February of 2023 I began Wegovy. Along with WW and Wegovy , and still having restrictions from Gastric sleeve, I have lost almost 40 pounds since January. I do weekly updates on my TikTok and my Instagram linked below. Thanks for following along!